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Sunday, March 31st, STCOC invites you to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with us! We will be continuing our sermon series "The Fruit of the Spirit" based upon Galatians 5:22&23. This year, we are going to having two services for Easter.
Sunrise Service, 6:30 a.m. across the street from 1761 Hoffman Hollow Road in Lowman, NY (Tillotson's Field, which is the old Lowman baseball field - Approximately 1705 Hoffman Hollow Road, Lowman, NY). Directions via Jerusalem Hill Road and Breesport N Chemung Road: Once you leave Elmira, stay on Jerusalem Hill Road (3 miles) Continue onto Breesport N Chemung Road (2.4 miles) Turn right onto Hogback Road (1 mile) Turn right onto Hoffman Hollow Road, destination will be on left (0.4 miles)
​Breakfast, 9:15 a.m. at the STCOC building. Breakfast will be a potluck breakfast, with sign-up. To sign up, click HERE.
Easter Service, 10:45 a.m. at the STCOC building. The sermon will be titled "Patience". Note: We will have Children's Church during the 10:45 service.
We will plan to have communion at both services. Please reach out to the church office with any questions or concerns 607.271.9575 or email
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