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Wednesday Night Meals
On Wednesday night, we serve a meal. The serving starts at 5:30 PM and runs until 6:15 PM.
Sometimes it can be hard to get to know someone at a Sunday morning service. Mealtimes can provide an opportunity to engage in conversation and start to get to know someone.
Wednesday nights can sometimes be a challenge for families and for people who work. There are many who eat "on the go" in order to be able to attend Wednesday night. Part of the intent for the meal on Wednesday is to give people an option for their family to have a meal prepared for them. We try to keep the meals simple and affordable. We ask for $3/person donation, but are very flexible. If that is too much or if you just simply don't have cash on you, no one will say anything and you will never be turned away.
Below, there is a link to sign up for the meal. On the sign up, you will see the menu for that week and by signing up, you will help us know how many to prepare for.
The Wednesday evening schedule is as follows:
5:30 until 6:15 p.m. Meal (To RSVP for the meal, click HERE.)
6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Bible Study/Class
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